How to Replace an NRS Cataraft Nose Cone

ArticleJanuary 08, 2019

Cataraft nose cones.Repairs and/or replacements of an NRS Cataraft Nose Cone are easy with these detailed instructions. Follow these instructions to successfully get your inflatable back on the water.

Materials Needed:

  • Nose Cone Wrench
  • 100% Silicone Sealant / “50 year type”
  • Soapy water
  • Latex/Nitrile gloves


  1. Inflate the cataraft tube and spray on soapy water to check for leaks. If bubbles appear around the edges of the nose cone, you will have to reseal it.
  2. Using the nose cone wrench, remove the outer portion. Examine the exposed surface of the inner cone. If there are no cracks in the inner cone, most of the time reapplying fresh silicone to the outer cone will fix the leak.
  3. Remove as much of the old silicone as you can from the cone and boat tube material. Apply a 1/4" bead of silicone along the two ridges inside the outer cone.
  4. Seat the outer cone and give it a quarter turn to spread the silicone in smooth layers. Screw the bolt in until it’s snug, then finish tightening with a quarter turn. Don’t muscle it, over tightening can break the inner cone.
  5. Let the silicone cure for 24 hours, then inflate and check for leaks. If still leaking, you will need to reapply silicone to both inner and outer cone.
  6. For the inner cone, again remove old silicone after pushing the cone down inside the tube, and then generously coat its surface with fresh silicone. Screwing the bolt in and using it as a handle will help you control it. Pull the inner cone snugly into place, use a cord tied around the bolt to hang the tube for 24 hours while it cures.
  7. To reassemble, you’ll also need to reapply fresh silicone to the outer cone.
  8. If the inner cone is cracked you’ll need to replace it. Cut a hole in the tube, somewhere near the end, large enough to remove the inner cone.
  9. Reseal the nose cone following the above steps. Patch the hole you made to remove the inner cone. Inflate the tube and check for leaks.