Inflatables Pre-2006
E-Series Rafts (Pre-2006)

For those boaters who habitually venture out to battle sharp rocks and swift currents, NRS developed the “Expedition Series.” Features include an extra heavy-duty floor, an additional commercial-grade tube wrap, a four-chamber tube construction, 6-8 EasyCarry™ handles, 14 stainless steel 2" D-rings, removable thwarts with the exclusive NRS BAT™ (Batten Attachment Thwarts) System and an extra heavy-duty wear patch to ensure full protection. Most Expedition rafts are available in either a standard floor or the more popular self-bailing floor with quick-draining holes and pressure relief valve. Trouble-free Leafield™ valves ensure easy inflation. River Outfitters praise the extra strength and armor available only in our “E-Series” boats.
Otter Series Rafts (Pre-2006)

The Otter™ line meets the needs of paddlers who want an economic raft without compromising on materials or component quality. Includes top-grade 1100 denier Hypalon® on the tubes and floor, a three-chamber tube construction, 6 stainless steel 2" D-rings, removable thwarts with the exclusive NRS BAT™ (Batten Attachment Thwarts) System, and 2 EasyCarry™ handles. All Otter™ Series rafts are available with a self-bailing floor with quick-draining floor holes and pressure relief valve. Trouble-free Leafield™ valves ensure easy inflation. We’ve carefully designed these rafts to provide you with the best combination of performance and value.
Otter Livery Series Rafts (Pre-2006)

Great fun, handles well and is a perfect raft to introduce many of you to the sport of rafting—affordably. The Otter™ Livery brand is now available in five sizes that will meet your needs for economical rafts manufactured from first-class materials. Otter Liverys use a high-quality Pennel-Orca Hypalon® 840 denier/35 ounce tube fabric, a two-chamber tube construction, 6 stainless steel 2" D-rings, attached Disc thwarts, and 2 EasyCarry™ handles. All Otter™ Livery Series rafts are available with a Hypalon® 840 denier standard floor. Trouble-free Leafield™ valves ensure easy inflation.
NRS Catarafts (Pre-2006)

NRS “cats” are designed for extraordinary performance, agility and stability, whether transporting passengers and gear or sport boating. Precisely sized continuous-curve tubes enhance capacity, ride and maneuverability in all models. Extended wear patches allow for longer cat frames. Includes 16 stainless steel 2" D-rings (8 per tube), 6 EasyCarry™ handles (3 per tube), and trouble-free Leafield™ valves to ensure easy inflation. Heavy-duty construction, safety engineering and our standard five-year full warranty make these cats unbeatable.
As a safety measure, every new NRS Cataraft includes our three-chamber safety system. This system divides tubes into three seperate chambers, providing an extra margin of safety. You'll probably never need this extra protection, but we want you to be prepared in case you do.
Inflatable Kayaks (Pre-2006)

We hand craft each and every NRS Inflatable Kayak (IK) to exacting standards and offer two styles in four colors. (Blue & red standard, yellow & gray special order only.) We're confident that you will find unsurpassed quality, value, choice and service in all we do. MaverIKs are designed for maximum performance and comfort with enhanced stability. Your weight on the floor creates a continuous curve that enhances agility and the “Pillos” thwart provides extra lumbar support.
We build MaverIKs with 1100 denier, 38 oz. Hypalon® material to ensure years of use. Trouble-free Leafield™ fill and pressure relief valves provide safe and easy inflation and deflation. For durability and ease in carrying, we fabricated bow and stern handles from double-layered tubular nylon. The “Y” beam, self-bailing floor creates a double keel for improved tracking and stability.