Apparel » Trip Planning
Topic | Category | Type |
Packing for International Paddling Packing for an international boating adventure can be intimidating. World traveler Kyle "Smitty" Smith offers his expertise in figuring it out. | Trip Planning | |
A collection of checklists for camping, rafting, kayaking, and more to help you organize your trip. | Trip Planning | |
Gear Checklist Whitewater Apparel What whitewater kayaking gear and apparel should you pack? Behold! A printable equipment and gear checklist. Download and customize now. | Trip Planning | |
Gear Checklist Sea Kayaking Apparel What sea kayaking and kayak touring gear and apparel should you pack? Behold! A printable equipment and gear checklist. Download and customize now. | Trip Planning | |
Gear Checklist Fishing Apparel What kayak fishing apparel should you pack? You're in luck: here's a printable equipment and gear checklist. Download and customize now. | Trip Planning |