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12 Reasons To Start Paddling

A reprint from Canoe & Kayak Magazine on the many reasons for getting on the water.

Skills & Tips

A Paddler’s Dictionary

A reprint from Canoe & Kayak Magazine on many boating terms.

Skills & Tips

ABCs of PFDs

PFD selection and Coast Guard Approval Ratings for PFDS


Adventure Medical Kits from NRS

Medical supplies grouped together in clear, resealable waterproof bags. Medical kits made specifically for camping, backpacking, and paddling


AIRE Kayak Foot Brace Kit Instructions

Instructions for installing the AIRE Inflatable Kayak foot braces kit into your kayak.

Maintenance & Repair

Aquaseal/Cure Accelerator Instructions

Learn to repair your neoprene spray skirt, neoprene or HydroSkin apparel or gaskets with Aquaseal.

Maintenance & Repair

Avoiding Foot Entrapment

Learn what foot entrapment is, how and why it's deadly, and how to avoid it while out on the river. Sometimes swimming is unavoidable.


Backcountry Food Handling and Hygiene

Learn how to properly deal with food handling, hygiene, and cleanup while on backcountry or river trips.

Skills & Tips

Balancing Game: Yoga Therapy

River runner and yoga teacher Andria Davis explores the mind-body connection and how it can help us recover from injuries.

Skills & Tips

Beware the Rats: Protect Boating Gear from Rodents

How to protect your rafting and boating gear from mice, rats, and other rodents.

Maintenance & Repair

Boaters and Dehydration

Body fluid loss can lead to serious consequences. How to recognize it and prevent it.

Skills & Tips

Boating Safety for Infants & Small Children

Learn about boating safety for infants and small children. When is it safe to take your kids out on the river, and what should you bring to ensure safety?

Trip Planning, Safety

Boating Safety’s Five Golden Rules

No matter what kind of boating activity you participate in, these five golden rules will go a long way toward ensuring that your trips on the water end safely.


Boating with an Outfitter

Reasons for choosing an outfitter for your next outdoor adventure.

How To Choose, Skills & Tips

Camping Tips

Learn to camp responsibly, protect vegetation and water quality and the camp's appearance. And don't forget to leave the site cleaner than you found it.

Skills & Tips

Cataraft Rowing Frame Features

Find information about features and accessories for NRS modular cataraft frames. Learn how to determine the right length and width for your NRS frame.

Skills & Tips

Choosing Oar Length

"What length oars do I need for my boat?" is one of the most common questions we get. We've developed this chart to help you with this decision.

How To Choose

Clifton Hypalon Adhesive Gluing Instructions

Learn to patch or add d-rings, footcups, or carry handles to your Hypalon raft with Clifton Hypalon Adhesive Gluing Instructions.

Maintenance & Repair

Clifton Urethane Adhesive Gluing Instructions

Learn to fix a tear or hole in your PVC raft or cataraft with these Clifton Urethane Adhesive Gluing Instructions.

Maintenance & Repair

Clyde's 2006 Grand Canyon Blog

In 2006, NRS's own Clyde Nicely live-blogged his raft trip down the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River. Enjoy this archive of his adventures.

Cold Shock: 5 Golden Rules for Boating in Cold Water

Cold shock is the leading cause of death in paddlesports. Prevent it with 5 Golden Rules for Boating in Cold Water.


Cold Water Protection and Hypothermia

Walbridge on the dangers of hypothermia and how to protect yourself.


Cold-Water Layering

Base, insulating and outer layers allow you to add and remove pieces to match changing conditions, and help your body maintain a safe, comfortable temperature.

How To Choose, Safety

Coming Back Is Mandatory

Learn the limits of your skills and equipment and stay safe.


Dry Drowning Revisited

Dry drowning can occur on the water and on land. Learn more about it.


Dry Drowning, by Walt Bammann

An important safety article on laryngospasm ("dry drowning")


Dry Drowning: An Update

Excellent feedback from readers about this important boating safety issue.


Dry Drowning: Feedback

Read some user feedback to our original Dry Drowning article and learn the takeaways our readers had to share that helps them stay safe on the water.


Fall Boating Safety

Your cold season gear has probably been stored away. Its time to get it out and inspect it to make sure its ready to go.


Finding Swiftwater Rescue Classes

When things do go wrong, only boaters with swiftwater rescue training can effectively help themselves and others.


First Aid on the Water

Stop thinking about getting a medical kit for first aid on the water and just do it! You and your paddling partners will be glad that you did.


Fitting Molded Oar Sleeves and Oar Rights

Preventing slipping of Molded Oar Sleeves and Oar Rights.

Maintenance & Repair, Skills & Tips

Frame Basics

Learn the points to consider when choosing a frame for your raft or cataraft. Consider the style, function, quality, and performance for your kind of boating.

How To Choose

Gear Storage Ideas

Putting your boating gear away until next weekend, or next year, there are steps you should take to protect your investment.

Maintenance & Repair

Guide to Raft Fishing vs Drift Boat Fishing

Durable and portable inflatable fishing rafts from NRS offer several advantages for fishing over more traditional drift boats, including cost, safety, and ease of access.

How To Choose

Halkey-Roberts Valve Types

Information about the different types of Halkey-Roberts valves.

Maintenance & Repair

Help Prevent the Spread of Invasive Aquatic Species

How to prevent the spread of harmful organisms in our waterways.

Skills & Tips

High-Water Safety Guidelines

High water can dramatically change rivers and requires that we redouble our ongoing emphasis on safety. Learn more about the guidelines of high-water safety.


High-Water Wisdom

High-water brings more dangers to your boating. Learn tips to avoid them.


How Much Risk Should Boaters Take?

Life is about balancing risk and reward, and so is boating.


How to Boat and Camp with Perishable Foods

Learn how to boat and camp with perishable foods, an excerpt from the book Camp Cooking: Eating Well in the Wild.

Trip Planning

How to Choose Your First Raft or Cataraft

Things to consider when buying your first raft or cataraft.

How To Choose

How To Detect a Fraudulent NRS Website or eCommerce Store

Learn to identify counterfeit and fraudulent NRS websites and ads, resolve disputes with credit card companies, and protect yourself from scammers posing as NRS dealers.

How To Choose, Safety

How to Do a Preseason Raft Inspection

Better to find problems with your boat before hitting the river! Learn tips for inspecting your raft or cataraft to make sure it's ready for the season.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Identify Your Boat

Here's how to identify your boat's Hull Identification Number (HIN), or "boat serial number" / "boat ID number".

Skills & Tips

How to Prepare for Medical Emergencies When Boating

Learn how to prepare for medical emergencies when boating, kayaking, or rafting when embarking on journeys that take you outside the 911 system.


How To Prevent Boating Injuries

Body conditioning, proper technique and equipment prevent injury.


How to Repair a Worn Spot on a Raft

Using Aquaseal to cover a worn spot on a raft or cataraft.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Repair an Oar or Paddle Blade

How to repair an oar or paddle blade using our G/Flex Epoxy Adhesive, providing a strong bond that's much more flexible than other epoxies

Maintenance & Repair

How to Replace an NRS Cataraft Nose Cone

Repairs and/or replacements of an NRS Cataraft Nose Cone are easy with these detailed instructions. Follow these instructions to successfully get your inflatable back on the water.

Skills & Tips

How to Stay Warm When Kayaking

Learn what gear to wear to stay warm when boating or kayaking in cold weather and water conditions. Have fun year-round with these tips from Erin Clancey.


How to Understand River Flows

Cubic feet per second (cfs) is one of the key indicators of river or creek conditions. Learn what this means and how it can affect your trip planning.


Hypalon Repair Instruction

Learn how to make repairs to your Hypalon raft, cataraft tubes, or your Hypalon raft floors with these detailed step-by-step instructions.

Maintenance & Repair

Identifying Inflatable Boat Material

How to identify the type of material in your inflatable boat

Maintenance & Repair

Inflatable Boat & SUP Guide

Specifics on NRS E-series, Otter series, Otter Livery series, NRS catarafts, NRS Patriots, NRS SUP Boards and NRS Inflatable Kayaks.

How To Choose

Inflatable Boat Material & Valve Reference Chart

Reference chart used to determine the correct material, glue and valves to use when repairing a boat from a specific manufacturer.

Maintenance & Repair

Inflatable Boat Spec Chart

Use this comprehensive table to compare specs and measurements for current and past NRS, Aire, Riken and Tributary inflatable rafts and catarafts.

How To Choose

Inflatable Boat Use and Care Instructions

Learn how to properly care for your raft, cataraft or inflatable kayak. We include basics about mounting frames, cleaning instructions and repairs.

Maintenance & Repair

Inflatables Pre-2006

Specifics on pre-2006 era NRS E-series, Otter series, Otter Livery series, NRS catarafts, and NRS Inflatable Kayaks.

How To Choose

Instructions: Stabond Adhesive

Learn to patch tears or holes in your PVC rafts or catarafts. hypalon repair, punctured raft repair, and neoprene gasket repair.

Maintenance & Repair

Keeping in Shape for Paddling

Getting in shape and keeping in shape for paddling will help you become a better boater, have more fun, and prevent activity-ending injury.

Skills & Tips

Kicking the Cooler Habit

Learn how Lacey Anderson can outfit a 10-person group for an eight-day trip that doesn't require refrigeration or costly coolers.

Trip Planning

Kid Safety

Boating with kids helps instill a love of nature. Learn more about child safety and what to wear and do to prepare them for a lifetime outdoors.


Kids and Nature

If you love the outdoors, river or water, you can help spread that passion to the younger generations with these tips about getting kids into nature.

Trip Planning

Know the Ropes

Learn about the important characteristics for ropes used in many boating applications, including the ability to float, its visibility and its strength.


K-Pump Valve Fit Adapter

Learn how we came up with the K-Pump Valve Fit Adapter and how it will allow you to work with Leafield Valves, used on NRS and many other quality inflatables.

Skills & Tips

Leafield Valves

Information about the different types of Leafield valves.

Maintenance & Repair

Leave No Trace, Please

NRS is partnering with Leave No Trace for the month of May. Donate today and well match your contribution.

Skills & Tips

Lend Me Your Ear—About Kayaker’s Ear

What you need to know about this serious boater health hazard.


Let’s Stop the Senseless Loss of Life

This helps reinforce the need to wear life jackets, especially when boating in cold water.


Life Jacket Fiction and Fact

The life jacket is the first line of defense for every paddler. Learn to dispel the misunderstandings, misconceptions and myths about PFDs.


Life Jackets: Your Second Most Important Safety Item

Lets talk about the second most important safety item you should have on when you go boating. Thats your life jacket, or Personal Flotation Device (PFD).


Living With Kids on Boating Trips

Tips for making boating trips with kids enjoyable for all.

Skills & Tips

Military Valves

Information about the different types of Military valves.

How To Choose, Maintenance & Repair

Modular Frame Facts 101

The NRS modular frame system is a marvel of simplicity and strength. This visual guide walks you through the step-by-step process of assembly.

Skills & Tips

Modular Frame Part Dimensions

Use these diagrams to learn about the design specs and dimensions for the individual parts and pieces of the NRS modular raft frame system. The NRS frame system is the most adjustable and adaptable raft frame system you can buy and is built in Moscow, Idaho by skilled craftsmen.

How To Choose

Multiday Rafting Trips

Learn what you need to consider when preparing for rafting trip that takes you out overnight. Multiday trips in a raft or cataraft let you to travel in style!

Trip Planning

New US Coast Guard PFD Approval System

The USCG/Transport Canada Approval System approves PFDs & life jackets for use in U.S. and Canadian waters. Learn its differences from the older system.

How To Choose, Safety

NRS & WRSI’s Response to Virginia Tech’s Whitewater Helmet Study

Every WRSI helmet meets or exceeds the CE 1385 standard for blunt force trauma, the globally accepted measure for whitewater helmet safety. We take all safety questions seriously; we are examining the methodology of the whitewater helmet comparison test from Virginia Tech University.


NRS Hot-Forged LoPros and Oar Mounts

The NRS Frame System is simply the most adjustable and adaptable system on the market; we think it's the best. And we've only made it better.

How To Choose

NRS, STAR & AIRE Raft Frame Sizing Guide

Learn which NRS raft or cataraft frames fit best on specific NRS, STAR Inflatables or AIRE rafts and catarafts.

How To Choose

Nutrition: Fueling the Fires Within

Learn the nutrition and hydration dos and donts to help you stay warm and safe as the weather and water get cold.

Skills & Tips

Overcoming Fear for New Boaters

Suggestions for overcoming the fear produced by a scary swim.

Skills & Tips

Packing for International Paddling

Packing for an international boating adventure can be intimidating. World traveler Kyle "Smitty" Smith offers his expertise in figuring it out.

Trip Planning

Pennel Orca Boat Material

Learn why NRS has used Pennel's Orca material in manufacturing our Expedition and Otter rafts, catarafts, and inflatable kayaks since 1994.

How To Choose

Pins and Clips vs. Open Oar Locks

Choosing between open oar lock or pins and clips for your raft frame rowing setup? Read this to understand the pros, cons, and nuances of each configuration.

How To Choose

Preparing for Cold-Season Boating

How to outfit yourself for cold water boating protection.

Trip Planning, Safety

Preventing Shoulder Injuries

Some helpful tips on preventing boater shoulder injuries.

Skills & Tips, Safety

Quick Guide: G/flex Epoxy Adhesive

G/flex is an excellent boat repair material that makes a tough, waterproof repair. In this quick guide, learn which version will work best for your repairs.

Maintenance & Repair

Quick Guide: Rubber Boat Repair Adhesives

Helping you choose the best glue for Pennel Orca, Hypalon, and other rubber boats.

Maintenance & Repair

Quick Guide: Temporary Field Boat Repairs

Learn how to make temporary boat repairs in the field by adding just a few pieces of equipment to your kit.

Maintenance & Repair

Quick Guide: Urethane and PVC Boat Adhesives

Helping you choose the best glue for urethane and PVC boats.

Maintenance & Repair

Raft & Cataraft Basic Terminology

Learn the basic terminology for rafts and catarafts. This article breaks down these inflatables into simple parts with clear definitions. We also list and explain several common raft and cataraft accessories.

Skills & Tips

Raft and Inflatable Boat Rowing Frame Features

Find information about features and accessories for NRS modular raft frames. Learn how to determine the right length and width for your NRS frame.

How To Choose

Rafting Put-in Safety Talk

The basics of a good put-in safety orientation for rafters.


Rescue Bag Basics

Learn how the NRS Rescue Throw Bag, a vital piece of safety equipment required for every boater, can be used to rescue a swimmer or help unpin a boat.


Rescue PFDs Aren’t For Everyone

Learn about the specialized features of rescue life jackets and PFDs, as well as when they should—and shouldn't—be used.


Restorative Yoga for Boaters

Not all exercise routines make you more tired. You can reduce fatigue from paddling and the daily grind with these yoga techniques from Andria Davis.

Skills & Tips

Riding the Flood

The dangers of high water boating and how to avoid them.


River & Rapid Difficulty Ratings

You will encounter two different class rating systems for rivers and their rapids. Learn how these systems differ and where they're most commonly used.

Trip Planning, Safety

Stretching Exercises for Paddlers

Stretching is essential for preventing muscle strain as well as healing injuries.

Skills & Tips

Suggested Boat Repair Facilities

Each of the listed repair locations do minor and major repairs on Pennel Orca, Hypalon and PVC boats and rafts.

Maintenance & Repair

Summit Valve Identification

Identify the Difference between a Summit 1 and a Summit 2 Valve.

Maintenance & Repair

That’s the Rub: Preventing Abrasion on Rafts

How to prevent and repair rub spots in inflatable boats.

Maintenance & Repair

The Camp Kitchen

Camp Kitchen Tips for food packaging and storage, water storage and sanitizing, camp sanitation, food preparation, fire management and waste disposal.

Skills & Tips

The Fine Nine

Preparing yourself to prevent or recover from on-the-water emergencies.

Trip Planning, Safety

The Iconic Bill’s Bag Dry Bag: A History

Read the story of how our iconic waterproof NRS Bill’s Bag came into existence, directly from the legend himself: Mr. Bill Parks.

How To Choose

The Sun and My Inflatable Friend (or Foe?)

Energy from the Sun, in the form of heat and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, can do great harm to you and your equipment. Learn to protect your rafting gear.

Maintenance & Repair

Usage Guide for Clifton Accelerator

Adding Clifton Accelerator to Clifton Hypalon Adhesive gives maximum strength for repairs, increases heat and chemical resistance, and shortens bonding time.

Maintenance & Repair

USGS WaterAlert Service

Service gives email or text message alerts on river flows.

Trip Planning

Using Yoga to Strengthen Your Hips for Kayaking

River runner and yoga instructor Andria Davis shows you some yoga techniques to help improve flexibility and strengthen your hips for paddling.

Skills & Tips

Valve Know-How

Information on identification, maintenance and repair of inflatable boat valves.

Maintenance & Repair

Weight Carrying Capacity of NRS Boats

What's the weight carrying capacity of NRS rafts? We get asked that question frequently. Our answer? "We don't rate them" Read on to learn why.

How To Choose

West System G/flex Epoxy Adhesive

G/flex Epoxy is a resilient two-part epoxy that gives a superior waterproof bond to plastics, metals, fiberglass and more. Add some to your repair kit.

Maintenance & Repair

What is Drop Stitch?

How drop stitch material used in our inflatables is made.

How To Choose

What’s in the Water

Excellent resource on microorganisms in backcountry drinking water.

Skills & Tips, Safety

Whitewater & Touring Kayak Paddle Sizing Guides

Find the whitewater paddle that is the best fit for you.

How To Choose

Winter Paddling at its Warmest

Team NRS kayaker Devon Barker-Hicks gives gear recommendations for staying warm while paddling in icy waters.

Trip Planning, Skills & Tips, Safety

Yoga for Boaters' Back Pain

Core strength is a paddler's key to relief from back pain. Andria Davis shows you how to use yoga to strengthen your body's core to help prevent back pain.

Skills & Tips

Yoga for Boaters' Shoulder Pain

Don't let shoulder problems keep you from boating. With good technique and some guidance from Andria Davis, yoga can help you reduce pain and prevent injuries.

Skills & Tips

Yoga for Off-Season Paddling Fitness

Cold or dry times can be a bummer for paddlers. But as author Andria Davis reminds us, the off-season gives you an opportunity to rejuvenate your body and mind.

Skills & Tips

Gear Checklist Camping Gear

A printable camping gear checklist for rafting or river trips. Customize and download your own camp gear list.

Trip Planning

Gear Checklist Fishing Gear

Download and customize this checklist of kayak fishing gear to make sure you get to the put-in with all the kit you need.

Trip Planning

Gear Checklist Inflatable Boats

A printable gear checklist for trips involving inflatables and inflatable boats, including rafts, catarafts, and inflatable kayaks.

Trip Planning

Gear Checklist Kitchen

Never forget critical camp kitchen gear again with this customizable and downloadable gear checklist. Eat well on the water!

Trip Planning

Gear Checklist Personal Camping Necessities

What personal camping necessities should you pack for a rafting or kayak trip? This handy equipement checklist will help you bring the gear you need.

Trip Planning

Gear Checklist Rafting Apparel

What rafting apparel should you pack? Behold! A printable equipment and gear checklist. Download and customize now.

Trip Planning

Gear Checklist Rafting Trip Gear

Rafting and boat gear: a checklist of boating equipment prepared by Tobias Schunck for a June Grand Canyon trip.

Trip Planning

Gear Checklists

A collection of checklists for camping, rafting, kayaking, and more to help you organize your trip.

Trip Planning

Adjust an NRS Raft Frame Anchor System

This video provides step-by-step instructions for installing the NRS Anchor System on your raft. The NRS Raft Frame Anchor System is a popular accessory to the NRS Fishing Frame, allowing the rower to easily raise and lower the anchor from the guides seat.

Skills & Tips

Equipping Your PFD for Rescue

Experienced rescuers equip their life jackets with pulleys, prussics, crib sheets, carabineers and other essential items.


Find and Fix Inflatable Boat Valve Leaks

Learn how to troubleshoot and fix leaks in the valves used in rafts, cataraft and SUPs. This video demonstrates with a Leafield C-7 Valve, but the same tips work for Halkey Roberts, Summit and military valves.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Adjust a WRSI Helmet

Proper adjustment of your WRSI helmets O-Brace Harness and Interconnect Retention System is essential for your comfort and safety while paddling. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure your WRSI helmet is adjusted for optimal comfort and performance on the water.


How to Adjust Raft Oars and Oar Mounts

Setting up your raft frame for strong and comfortable rowing will greatly improve your confidence and enjoyment on the river. In this video, the NRS experts show you how to adjust the oars and oar mounts on your NRS raft frame to ensure powerful strokes and a comfortable position when rowing.

Skills & Tips

How to Assemble an NRS Fishing Raft Frame

The NRS fishing frame is easy to put together if you follow the step by step process outlined in this video. The NRS fishing frame turns any raft into a drift boat.

Skills & Tips

How to Assemble an NRS Raft Frame

This video walks you through the process of assembling your NRS raft frame and adjusting it to suit your needs. Our patented LoPro fitting makes the NRS raft frame system entirely modular and easy to assemble and adjust.

Skills & Tips

How to Catch a Throw Bag

Rescue instructor Jim Coffey shows how to catch and position a throw rope to place minimum strain on you and the on-shore rescuer.

Skills & Tips, Safety

How to Choose the Right Life Jacket

Learn about the types of life jackets most commonly worn by boaters so you can choose the right life jacket for your paddling needs.

How To Choose, Safety

How to Clean and Store Your Inflatable Boat

Step-by-step video instructions for cleaning and storing your inflatable.

Maintenance & Repair

How To Customize Your NRS Fishing Frame

Watch this video to learn how to customize and adjust the adaptable NRS Frame System. Former professional fishing guide Jim MacAllister, now an NRS Wholesale Rep, shares his experience, tips and tricks to help you get the most from your setup.

Skills & Tips

How To Daisy Chain an NRS Tie-Down Strap

In this video, we show you how to daisy chain the webbing on a tie-down strap, a simple an effective method for dealing with the strap tail to keep it out of the way. NRS 1" HD Tie Down straps make rigging rafts, tying down kayaks and securing gear on cars simple.

Skills & Tips

How to Do Live Bait Rescue

Jumping in to rescue a swimmer can sometimes be the best technique. This video from Jim Coffey shows how to perform a live bait rescue.

Skills & Tips, Safety

How to Fix a Pressure Relief Valve in a Raft or IK

Learn how to fix a pressure relief valve, which protects your raft or IK floor from over-inflation, with this video from our NRS Repairs department.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Fold an Inflatable Boat for Storage

Learn the tips and techniques to minimize stress on seams and materials by folding an inflatable boat for storage correctly.

Skills & Tips

How to Inflate and Deflate Cataraft Tubes

Tips for inflating and deflating cat tubes and preventing damage to baffles.

Skills & Tips

How to Inflate Your Raft

Learning to properly inflate your raft will go a long way toward protecting its seams and the baffles between chambers from strain and damage.

Skills & Tips

How to Install D-Rings and Footcups

NRS Repairs shows you the best ways to install D-rings and footcups and permanently glue them to Hypalon-, PVC- and urethane-coated materials

Maintenance & Repair, Skills & Tips

How to Maintain Your NRS Barrel Pump

The NRS 5" Barrel Pump is built to last, to get wet, and to get used. Watch this video from NRS Repairs on how to disassemble, clean, lube and maintain it.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Make a Flip Line

Build your own flip line! Whether you're kayaking, rafting or canoeing, you'll find multiple uses for this easy-to-build webbing sling or guide belt.

Skills & Tips, Safety

How to Make a Shallow Water Crossing

Rescue Instructor Jim Coffey describes techniques that an individual or a group of rescuers can use to safely and efficiently perform a shallow water crossing.

Skills & Tips, Safety

How to Organize Straps

Keeping your NRS straps organized will save you a lot frustration.

Skills & Tips

How to Patch a Hypalon Boat

Video with step-by-step instructions for Hypalon repair.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Quickly Coil a Throw Rope

Knowing how to quickly coil your throw rope for a second toss is an essential skill. Heres a trick to help you make a fast, tangle-free second throw.


How to Repair and Replace a Military Valve

In this video NRS Repairs goes over all the steps for repairing and replacing military valves, including replacing a boot.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Repair Leafield C7 & D7 Valves

Replacing the plunger, spring and rubber seal is a snap on the Leafield C7 and D7 valves.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Repair PVC and Urethane Boats

In this video, the NRS Repairs Department shows you the step-by-step process for repairing boats, finding the leak, rolling on the patch and more.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Replace a Cataraft Nose Cone

This video shows you how to replace a cataraft nose cone if its in need of repair due to a nose cone leak.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Replace a Raft Valve

Here we show you how to replace a raft valve, using a doughnut patch to cover the incisions you make to remove the valves inner piece.

Maintenance & Repair

How to Restuff a Rescue Throw Bag

Learn how to properly re-stuff a rescue throw bag with this video. This is an essential skill for the rope to smoothly deploy when the bag is tossed.


How To Rig a Bow Line on a Raft

This video demonstrate how to use a bowline knot to secure the bow rope to the D-rings on your raft. We also show you how to coil the rope and secure it with a 2 NRS strap to keep it safely coiled and knot-free for easy deployment.

Skills & Tips

How to Roll a Strap for Storage

In this Quick Tips video, we show you how to roll your straps for tidy storage.

Skills & Tips

How to Seal an NRS Dry Bag

Your dry bag protects your stuff. Watch this video to learn how to properly close and seal it to provide maximum protection for your gear.

Skills & Tips

How to Set Up a River Wing

Setting up a river wing is easy once you know the proper techniques. In this video, we demonstrate how to securely set up the NRS River Wing using the included break-down poles, as well as by substituting oars for the poles.

Skills & Tips

How to Strap a Rowing Frame to a Raft

In this video, the experts at NRS show you our favorite technique for strapping down a rowing frame on a raft. Knowing how to properly secure a rowing frame to your raft is an essential skill for any rafter.

Skills & Tips

How to Swim in Whitewater

Self rescue by aggressively swimming to shore can be a life-saving maneuver. Rescue instructor Jim Coffey teaches you how to swim in whitewater.

Skills & Tips, Safety

How to Tie a Taut-Line Hitch Knot

There are some knots every boater should know how to tie, and the Taut-Line Hitch is one of them. Watch this video to learn how it's done.

Skills & Tips

How to Tie the Figure 8 Knot

Demonstrating the tying of the versatile Figure 8 Knot.

Skills & Tips

How to Tie Up a Raft on the Shore

One of the fastest methods to tie up a raft on shore is to use a taut-line hitch knot to secure the bow line to a sand stake, tree or other solid anchor. In this video, we demonstrate how to use a sand stake, locking carabiner and rope to create a secure and adjustable tie-off to secure your boat.

Skills & Tips

How to Toss a Throw Bag

The rescue throw bag is a must-carry for whitewater. Rescue instructor Jim Coffey shows the best techniques for accurately getting the rope to the swimmer.

Skills & Tips, Safety

Inflatable Repair Adhesives Guide

This video helps you understand when to use such glues as Clifton Hypalon, Shore, Stabond, Clifton Urethane, Vynabond and G/flex Epoxy.

Maintenance & Repair

Leafield B7 and A7 Valve Repair

In this Quick Tips instructional video, the NRS experts show you how to repair your Leafield B7 and A7 valves quickly and easily.

Maintenance & Repair

Putting Rescue Skills to Use on the Water

Rescue expert Jim Coffey shows how swiftwater skills can be put to use on a typical day on the river with a mixed group of kayakers in this video.


Raft Fabric Marbling: What, Why, and How To Remove

Marbling, marks or white spots at folds, is normal on new rafts and inflatables that have been packaged for shipping. Learn how to use time, heat and sunlight to remove marbling.

Maintenance & Repair

Rescue Film Series: Ep. 10: Foot Entrapment Intro

Swiftwater rescue instructor Jim Coffey introduces techniques for assessing foot entrapment situations and formulating a plan to assist the victim.

Skills & Tips, Safety

Rescue Film Series: Ep. 3: Swiftwater Swimming

Swimming efficiently in whitewater is essential for self-rescue, rescuing others and building your kayaking, rafting and canoeing confidence.

Skills & Tips, Safety

Rescue Film Series: Ep. 4: Throw Bag Techniques

This video covers throw bag techniques including throwing, safely bringing in the swimmer, bracing, and how to catch and hold the rope if you're the swimmer.

Skills & Tips, Safety

Rescue Film Series: Ep. 5: Victim Contact Techniques

This video covers victim contact techniques for safely paddling, swimming and wading out to the victim

Skills & Tips, Safety

Rescue Film Series: Ep. 6: The Rescue Harness

This video shows you how to safely and effectively use the quick-release rescue harness on your life jacket.

Skills & Tips, Safety

Rescue Film Series: Ep. 7: Live Bait Rescue

This video shows several different live bait techniques and describes the best ways to do them safely

Skills & Tips, Safety

Rescue Film Series: Ep. 8: Boat Extractions

This video demonstrates how to retrieve a pinned kayak or canoe using methods ranging from pushing and pulling to setting up a mechanical advantage system.

Skills & Tips, Safety

Rescue for River Runners: Ep. 1: Getting Started

Learn what gear you need to have with you, from your rescue PFD, protective apparel, throw bags, rescue hardware to first aid kit and communication devices.


Rescue for River Runners: Ep. 2: Team Strategy

Smart teamwork and preparedness make everyone safer on the river with the swiftwater rescue playbook.


Rescue Series: Foot Entrapment Strategies

Swiftwater rescue instructor Jim Coffey introduces foot entrapment strategies for making a rescue, assessing risk for the team, and determining tempo.

Skills & Tips, Safety

The Making of Cataract Oars

Learn how a company that makes guided missile parts, armor piercing projectiles and parts for advanced aircraft got into making carbon fiber oars for rafting.

How To Choose